Benefits of Federal Trademark Registration
Step up to a federal registered trademark and receive greater protection and more benefits.
Nationwide Protection With a federal registered trademark, your name and logo is protected in the entire United States. This is important if you plan to expand the use of your products or services in other states. It also provides notice of ownership of the mark, deterring others from subsequently using a similar mark. |
Monetary Compensation A registered trademark gives you the right to recover an infringement monetary award for triple the amount of actual damages. Trademarks can also be licensed or sold. For example, a business can enjoy substantial revenue in royalties from licensing its trademark. Get your good name trademarked today and you may be able to sell the rights to someone else later! |
Preventing Disputes Registered trademark grants you the right to put the ® symbol next to your mark for the goods and services listed in the registration. This gives notice to the public that your mark is already registered, thereby preventing a party from innocently infringing your mark. The registered trademark prevents problems in two ways: (1) It discourages others from using a similar mark in the first place because they will see your trademark in a search result, and (2) the U.S. trademark examining attorney will safeguard your mark by rejecting any similarly confusing trademarks filed in the future. |
Other Benefits to Trademark Registration Include: |
Register Your Trademark Today Take advantage of the benefits a registered trademark offers. Apply to protect your name and logo. |